GetResponse Review: Features and Pricing

GetResponse Review: Features and Pricing


Getresponse Review: Features and Pricing

Review of Getresponse and comparison with other email marketing softwares. A detailed review of the features and pricing details are given in this article so that you can easily decide if Getresponse is the best email marketing software for your needs or not.


Is it easy to use?

This tool is very easy to use and has a clean interface, though it can be a bit overwhelming for those not used to managing online marketing campaigns.

Email templates can be customized easily with advanced HTML coding skills. Other than that, there are options to automatically add information such as customer’s first name, last name, email address into an email template so users don’t have to manually type it in each time they create a campaign. 

There are also some tutorials on how to work with GetResponse which makes learning easier for new users of email marketing softwares. The support team is available through phone, chat or email if any problems arise; however, most issues are addressed simply by searching their knowledge base or user forum. 

 We wish GetResponse would integrate with other email marketing tools as well because it is often tricky to switch between different softwares at one company when you’re already familiar with another. That said, we highly recommend GetResponse due to its affordability, ease of use and long list of features when compared to other competitors in their niche.

The Ease Of Use + Features Balance : Easy enough for beginners but robust enough for experienced professionals, everyone will be able to take advantage of what GetResponse offers – especially given its price point! The basic plan offers many features that make creating great email campaigns simple and effective – even without special design skills!


How can GetResponse help me with my business?

If you run a business, it’s crucial to keep in touch with your customers on a regular basis. While there are plenty of email marketing tools out there for smaller business owners, GetResponse is one of those tools that tends to be more well-rounded. 

It’s packed with features but doesn’t come with a price tag as hefty as some other options out there. If you want an email marketing tool that offers comprehensive reporting and allows for easy customization, GetResponse could be your best bet

What’s so great about GetResponse?: If you are familiar with using email marketing software then chances are high that you have heard of or even used MailChimp before. This company is currently top dog when it comes to providing software solutions to businesses at every size level. The only downside? It costs around $200 a month, which is obviously not ideal for all small businesses who need simple solutions at low cost points. 

This is where GetResponse comes into play. They offer very similar functionalities and capabilities for slightly cheaper monthly fees—$150 per month instead of $200. Not only does their platform provide users with a multitude of features, but they also make sure their prices reflect that. 

We like GetResponse for its customizable service options, generous customer support and overall ease of use. Some additional perks include mobile responsiveness and social media integration . Cons? There really aren't many negative things we can say about GetResponse; however, we will note that they don't yet have free tiers available (although they do offer free trials), so if you are looking to try them out first before committing to anything substantial, you won't be able to do that right now. We also wouldn't recommend them if you were looking for more direct support from someone working within your industry rather than speaking with customer service representatives—that's just not their style.


What additional services do they offer?

GetResponse provides a huge variety of additional services to help you get more out of your email marketing. From automated email campaigns to social media marketing, GetResponse does it all. If you have any specific questions about their features, feel free to send them an email.Their customer service is first-rate! They'll get back to you in 24 hours or less. In fact, they guarantee it. Just another reason why we've rated them #1 for email marketing services.

Why is this product important?: Choosing one email marketing provider can be a difficult decision. But choosing among hundreds of providers? That's like trying to choose between millions of shades of paint colors when renovating your home -- needless complexity that requires plenty of research and deliberation before deciding on which option will give you exactly what you need at exactly what price. 

We’ve already made that decision easy with our review rating system; now our latest product overview seeks to do just that -- provide precisely what customers need when looking for high quality email marketing services on either a small budget or large budget.


Do they have support?

GetResponse offers comprehensive email marketing solutions that include templates, newsletters, autoresponders, A/B split testing, social media integration and other features. The company also provides tutorials and FAQs. If you still need assistance with your account or something specific related to your email marketing software, GetResponse has both a phone number as well as live chat support available to help you out! 

Is it fast?: When I tested my emails on a holiday weekend (and yep—this is technically a review of GetResponse’s email deliverability), I found it sent them straight through with no delays at all. This can be incredibly important if you’re running an online store or have a time-sensitive event in mind for your email campaign. Good thing too; there was definitely some demand for our Black Friday Deals campaign!

How does it stack up?: It really depends on what you’re looking from your email service provider. For those just getting started in their business endeavors, GetResponse is great because of its free level, which includes unlimited campaigns and 2 GB storage capacity (which sounds like nothing now but will definitely come in handy later). However, these features are only available if you upgrade to one of their paid plans after a certain amount of days.


Pricing and Features

There are four plans to choose from in GetResponse’s email marketing software. The first plan is Free for 500 contacts, is a simple way to get started with email marketing. In free plan you can only have 500  contact in it, but your contact it is increases.

Pricing: Save 18% with an annual plan

 Then you can upgrade to Basic plan which is cost you $15/month or if you take Annual plan it cost you $12.3/month, advanced reporting capabilities. This plan also allows users up to for 1000 contacts (rather than just 500). 

Then there plan is Plus which is cost $49/month or if you take Annual plan it cost you $40.18/month , which offers advanced segmentation options that allow you to target your customers based on certain demographics like age and location.

Finally, for small businesses looking for an enterprise solution for their email needs without breaking the bank, there is an Professional plan option at $99/month or if you take Annual plan it cost you $81.18/month. 

If you really want to market yourself effectively using email marketing campaigns then I would highly recommend that you sign up for GetResponse . You’ll be able to track everything including who opens your emails and where they came from along with dozens of other powerful features all bundled into one tool.


Is it Worth it?

It’s tough to say if GetResponse is worth it. To make a solid judgment, you need to know what you’re getting into. You don’t need a full review or anything – just enough information to make an informed decision about whether or not you should get involved with them in any way, shape, or form. Remember that all software companies have pros and cons; nothing is ever black-and-white. 

Each company has its own set of strengths and weaknesses that could ultimately be a deal breaker for you. For example, some people prefer one program over another because they work better with that program's users or integrate better with their already existing business system. If you decide to do a comparative analysis between different email marketing tools (or services as they're more often called these days), your best bet is to look at things from a high level first and go from there. 

Look at user experience - how easy is it to use? How are new signups handled? Does it take long to figure out or does everything seem intuitive? Are there features that stand out above others? Use whatever criteria you want but make sure you create a rubric for yourself so comparing multiple programs becomes easy. 

Think back on other businesses you've used before and check each feature off your list by seeing how those features correlate to previous ones. With enough time invested, doing research like this will become much easier than doing it piecemeal every time something comes up. 

Keep track of where each tool falls short and note when a new trend occurs across multiple platforms. Those observations are bound to help point out potential red flags later on down the line once you start using different programs more seriously.



As you can see, GetResponse is a very good email marketing tool for all your needs. It also provides a lot of advanced tools that would help you succeed in getting subscribers who would later on be customers as well. It has several pricing plans to match different needs of different companies. The features, features and hosting plan, according to me are quite great than any other service that I have worked with in my life. It’s pretty simple yet powerful enough to give you everything that an advanced marketing platform must offer today. The high tech world, on which we live right now has already outgrew us sometimes because it so much developed than we think it is capable off.

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